Friday, March 28, 2008

Manbeast! - Myth or Monster

The following clip is the opening sequence for the 1978 documentary Manbeast: Myth or Monster based on the book In Search of Myths and Monsters by Alan Lansburg.

My only questions are where can I see the rest, no use looking for the book, it seems like it's an antique and I wonder if they based the movie Strange Wilderness off of this.



  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    Hey saw you posted my clip. :-) This is MadTvlover. I have the full film available as a buy or trade...if you have anything to trade me for it by all means email me at

    If you wish to buy the film from me I'd be happy to sell it to you on DVD for a mere eleven bucks.

  2. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Brilliant! I remember this from my childhood... the part where the Russian woman wakes up to find a Squatch sitting in her bedroom staring at her is total WTF freakout action!!! Any chance of this making it online as a torrent or downloadable file? C'mon, do us BF fans a solid and go down in the annuls of history as one of Sasquatch's greatest heroes! :D
