Had a dry spell in interesting news and media this week but this is just to good to be true. This video shows a huge giant shark claimed to be a Megalodon filmed by I think some Japanese show. It also has a few giant squid shots in it.
If this shark isn't a megalodon then what kind of shark is it because it is so dang huge, Basking shark? What could it be?
Liked this giant shark video? then check out this huge 6 gilled shark video, could be bigger and also lend support that the above video isn't an illusion of some sort.
Pacific Sleeper shark: Somniosus pacificus can grow to over 20 feet. Remember in the deep where this was filmed, light only penetrates only a few feet so everything filmed is actually very close to the camera and looks larger than it actually is. Plus the water actually magnifies images also making everything look larger.
It's a Pacific Sleeper Shark. You can see a better video of one on National Geographic's website: http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/sharks/rareshark.html#video
It's in the clip titled "rare shark"
Even if I didn't know what type of shark this was, it's obvious it's not a megalodon. The megalodon looked a lot like a great white, dark gray on top, white on the bottom, and much larger than the shark in the video. Even if they did still exist, they weren't black. They had teeth almost identical to the great whites, indicating a similar habitat and diet, and we know the great white is the closest living relative, so it's a pretty safe bet they looked similar.
The idea that this is a megalodon shark is absolutely ridiculous. Megalodon were ancestors of the Great White, this bears no resemblance whatsoever to Great White Sharks. It is probably a megamouth shark or a pacific sleeper as someone else has said.
Awwww...That's a Greenland Shark! Also Known as a Sleeper Shark or Pacific Sleeper Shark... yep yep! Megalodons are extinct.... the nearest thing we have nowadays to a Megalodon is a Great White. They look pretty much exact in appearance however the Megalodon was believed to be considerably larger. And it's not a basking shark either... They are a hell of a lot bigger! I've seen one myself in cornwall!
Hi, i am a shark lover. I have been ever since i was a kid. Do any of you guys know where i can get a REAL megalodon tooth online? maybe about $100 or so..somewhere in that price range?
That may not be a megaladon, but the idea of megaladons still being alive is not ridiculous. As for this shark being a pacific sleeper, I don't know. Yes the water and the camera may make things look bigger, but come on. It doesn't make it look that big and if you truly think that’s why the shark looks so big you are an idiot. Megaladons may be ancestors of the great white, but that does not mean that have to look exactly like each other. I mean scientists say that birds are the ancestors of dinosaurs and they look nothing like each other. No one has ever had a clear view of a megaladon so the color of the shark is unknown, we can only speculate on what it looks like. Not to mention that the camera was in murky water or a reflection could hit the camera to make the colors look different. So as for this shark being a megaladon, maybe, maybe not. As for the idea of megaladons still being alive, I strongly believe.
yea this is not a megaladon plus japan does not have the right waters for it to live in. the megaladon needs bigger foot sources and wouldn't be in murky or shallow waters. but the open ocean is like outer space we haven't discovered all of the open water yet but if anything i been hearing sightings in Australia around the new Zealand area's. i wouldn't be surprise if anyone would get a picture of that but this shark not megaladon most likely either a large sand tiger shark or a Basking shark
The idea of Megaladons being alive is not completely insane. Modern sharks have been around since before the dinosaurs but most have evolved. It's possible. However, if you saw a Megaladon you would know. They were over three times the size of a Great White. A Megaladon wouldn't of even fit in that shot. If this was filmed off the coast of Japan it most likely is not a Greenland shark, Greenlands typically inhabit oceans near North America, off the coast of Canada and near Greenland as the name implies. Also they live in water that varies between 2-7 degrees C. Not to mention they live between 200-2000 m.
Chances are it is a Pacific Sleeper, a close relative to the Greenland shark. They're typically more gentle. It most deffinatly isn't a basking or a sand tiger. It's the wrong color.
That shark is a Basking shark. Megladons are possibly extinct. If they were living they would be in the deepest trench in the world. The Marinas trench. Millions of exotic new species were found. Those teeth are not real. The one's that are about 6 to 7 inches are real. It's all a bunch of crock.
That is most definitly a basking shark you can tell from the mouth and if you want you can search up pictures of basking sharks they live in japan and i am a cryptozoologist(study of hidden animals
Is ja wohl der GRÖSSTE mist, den ich je sah!!! Megalodon am Arsch! Dieser Hai sieht nicht einmal annähernd so aus wie einer. Zu lahm, zu komische anatomie und zu falscher ORT! Peace, ich bin raus...
I wouldn't like to contradict a "cryptozoologist", I am not expert in sharks, and I don't know what it is but one thing is sure: it is not a "basking shark":
Look at the movie, look the size of his Gill. Ok now look those pictures and tell me is there is something of similar:
its not a megalodon it wuld hav eaten those sharks too they use to eat larger animals such as baby whales adn smaller sharks
its a greelnad shark and the fact that the megalodon is still alive culd possibly be as there was sightings of a female eel lik shark that was from prehistoric times sighted in this day and age
and the fact that some areas of the ocean we cant reli investigate due to the water being too deep and the pressure doesnt help
i believe that it is still out there but only a few very few
I really do hope and still believe that it exists. It would be incredible to witness and understand exactly what this shark is. I do know as a fact it is not the megalodon in this video, it is a pacific sleeper. I truely do beleive that it is still out there but there isonlylittle, very verylittle.
que sepais que no tenemos ni idea de la mayoria de colores que teñian los cuerpos de los animales prehistoricos. lo hemos supuesto, mas bien inventado, asi que realmente decir que un megalodon tendria que parecerse a un tiburon blanco en cuanto a estetica es una idiotez. creo firmemente que es una especie de megalodon
"The megalodon looked a lot like a great white, dark gray on top, white on the bottom, and much larger than the shark in the video. Even if they did still exist, they weren't black."
How in the hell do you know they weren't black? There is no way to tell what color an extinct animal is unless you had some type of skin sample. Just because is had similar teeth to that of a Great White does not mean it had the same body style.
They have found a megalaon tooth that is only 10,000 years old. That means they survived the ice age. They could of went down deeper, into the unfrozen water, and waited it out. If they stayed down there for that long of a time, they could as adapted to their enviornment, and not want to come up to the surface(today) or industrial threats might frighten them. Much of the ocean has yet to be explored, so scientists should not say so ignorantly " the megaladon does not exist anymore because we havent seen it due to the fact we have not took a closer look at the ocean" ... IM NOT BUYIN THAT SHIT !!!!
its deff not a greenland shark...its 2 big...and its no basking shark neither...look at the gills...if it were a basking shark the gills would look like they wrap around...its a possibility this is a megalodon...no1 knows for sure wat it looks like anyways...who are we to say...but im pretty sure if it was a megalodon it wouldve been making headlines across the world so idk lol...but i believe it could be...thats 1 big ass shark lol
Its a baby megalodon because the size of a baby magalodon is like the size of adult great white and look at the tip its pointy because the megalodon shark the tip grows from pointy to almost round.
And i belive its megalodon it's not extinc remember it's not existed.
Look at the www.science brain.com fishermen has caught in a video a frozen megalodon near the north pole.
its in the very bottom of the pacific deep deep depth where it can find prey as big as a whale!!! Its damn true but no one can go that deep to actually picture it because its too dark and dangerouse!
this is deffenetly not a megalodon...... this shark looks nothing like a great white and to our historical time line the great white is a relative to the megalodon i do believe there is megalodon sharks out there but this is deffenetly not the shark that we all want to see
our cameras and people could never ever catch this beast on film they live to deep in the ocean for us to know tnat they are still alive i am not saying that they are not real i have a belief that they are real but we have no way in hell to know for sure that they are for sure real or extict.......... but i would love to find out if this glorious creature is still alive but then again who knows what this shark could do it could eat 14 people whole in one bit we have no idea what these sharks can do
ok, A to the jackass who said there are no magalodons there are fossils, and B a megalodon is speculated to be twice as large as a sleeper so that's a bad theory. all i'm sayin.
I'm no expert, but I heard that the shark in the video was confirmed by scientists (who are paid to do thier jod well) as a Pacific Sleeper shark. As for Megladon still exsisting, I believe it does, but only deep-sea expeditions will confirm it.
its a cool scary but im a expert in sizes and shapes of sharks but as observe and watched it shows and proves that is just a basking shark i would not expect other experts say its a megalodon shark its not proven that a megalodon has six gills and dosent mean that you see a big fish or shark thats 20 meters or biger its not proven that it esists
as i saw it. it was like making me belive that it is a megalodon but what mkes me not belive is the first ones. becuse its like how you gona get this pictures on the scene of that diver in that sharks mouth? so weird. that make me not belive thats its a megalodon
im no shark expert and i do belive that the megalodon shark is critacaly endangerd(Only my opinion) that shark im 99% sure that that shark is NOT a megladon but it might be a shark speesees that we havent descovered yet(Im NOT a freeking scintest so DONT blame me in you think im stupid/an idiot)
One... the Meg and a great white are no where near the same... shut up and learn more before you talk about this shit. Two It's very possible for Meg's to be real.
If anyone is saying it`s a Basking Shark.Why they eat meat..Remember Basking Shark are filter feeders..96%of the ocean is unexplored the explored oceans are only the surface of it not the deep water in it
Pacific Sleeper shark: Somniosus pacificus can grow to over 20 feet. Remember in the deep where this was filmed, light only penetrates only a few feet so everything filmed is actually very close to the camera and looks larger than it actually is. Plus the water actually magnifies images also making everything look larger.
ReplyDeleteSo how do you explain the smaller shark that ran into the bigger shark and the where both feet away from the cage?
DeleteTHIS STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
DeleteLooks like a Basking Shark to me.
ReplyDeleteIt's a Pacific Sleeper Shark. You can see a better video of one on National Geographic's website: http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/sharks/rareshark.html#video
ReplyDeleteIt's in the clip titled "rare shark"
Even if I didn't know what type of shark this was, it's obvious it's not a megalodon. The megalodon looked a lot like a great white, dark gray on top, white on the bottom, and much larger than the shark in the video. Even if they did still exist, they weren't black. They had teeth almost identical to the great whites, indicating a similar habitat and diet, and we know the great white is the closest living relative, so it's a pretty safe bet they looked similar.
This is ridiculous!
DeleteHow can you state what color meg were while all we found are teeth and jaws???
The idea that this is a megalodon shark is absolutely ridiculous. Megalodon were ancestors of the Great White, this bears no resemblance whatsoever to Great White Sharks. It is probably a megamouth shark or a pacific sleeper as someone else has said.
ReplyDeleteMeg were not ancestors to great whites. They both lived at the same time.
DeleteGo back to school
Awwww...That's a Greenland Shark! Also Known as a Sleeper Shark or Pacific Sleeper Shark... yep yep! Megalodons are extinct.... the nearest thing we have nowadays to a Megalodon is a Great White. They look pretty much exact in appearance however the Megalodon was believed to be considerably larger. And it's not a basking shark either... They are a hell of a lot bigger! I've seen one myself in cornwall!
ReplyDeleteHi, i am a shark lover. I have been ever since i was a kid. Do any of you guys know where i can get a REAL megalodon tooth online? maybe about $100 or so..somewhere in that price range?
ReplyDeleteI know I've seen meg teeth on ebay before, not sure if they are real or replicas though.
ReplyDeleteThat may not be a megaladon, but the idea of megaladons still being alive is not ridiculous. As for this shark being a pacific sleeper, I don't know. Yes the water and the camera may make things look bigger, but come on. It doesn't make it look that big and if you truly think that’s why the shark looks so big you are an idiot. Megaladons may be ancestors of the great white, but that does not mean that have to look exactly like each other. I mean scientists say that birds are the ancestors of dinosaurs and they look nothing like each other. No one has ever had a clear view of a megaladon so the color of the shark is unknown, we can only speculate on what it looks like. Not to mention that the camera was in murky water or a reflection could hit the camera to make the colors look different. So as for this shark being a megaladon, maybe, maybe not. As for the idea of megaladons still being alive, I strongly believe.
ReplyDeleteyea this is not a megaladon plus japan does not have the right waters for it to live in. the megaladon needs bigger foot sources and wouldn't be in murky or shallow waters. but the open ocean is like outer space we haven't discovered all of the open water yet but if anything i been hearing sightings in Australia
ReplyDeletearound the new Zealand area's. i wouldn't be surprise if anyone would get a picture of that but this shark not megaladon most likely either a large sand tiger shark or a Basking shark
The idea of Megaladons being alive is not completely insane. Modern sharks have been around since before the dinosaurs but most have evolved. It's possible. However, if you saw a Megaladon you would know. They were over three times the size of a Great White. A Megaladon wouldn't of even fit in that shot. If this was filmed off the coast of Japan it most likely is not a Greenland shark, Greenlands typically inhabit oceans near North America, off the coast of Canada and near Greenland as the name implies. Also they live in water that varies between 2-7 degrees C. Not to mention they live between 200-2000 m.
ReplyDeleteChances are it is a Pacific Sleeper, a close relative to the Greenland shark. They're typically more gentle. It most deffinatly isn't a basking or a sand tiger. It's the wrong color.
That shark is a Basking shark. Megladons are possibly extinct. If they were living they would be in the deepest trench in the world. The Marinas trench. Millions of exotic new species were found. Those teeth are not real. The one's that are about 6 to 7 inches are real. It's all a bunch of crock.
ReplyDeleteThat is most definitly a basking shark you can tell from the mouth and if you want you can search up pictures of basking sharks they live in japan and i am a cryptozoologist(study of hidden animals
ReplyDeleteIs ja wohl der GRÖSSTE mist, den ich je sah!!! Megalodon am Arsch! Dieser Hai sieht nicht einmal annähernd so aus wie einer. Zu lahm, zu komische anatomie und zu falscher ORT! Peace, ich bin raus...
ReplyDeleteI wouldn't like to contradict a "cryptozoologist", I am not expert in sharks, and I don't know what it is but one thing is sure: it is not a "basking shark":
ReplyDeleteLook at the movie, look the size of his Gill. Ok now look those pictures and tell me is there is something of similar:
Thanks Mr the "cryptozoologist"
its not a basking jst look at the snouts u morons
ReplyDeleteits not a megalodon it wuld hav eaten those sharks too they use to eat larger animals such as baby whales adn smaller sharks
its a greelnad shark
and the fact that the megalodon is still alive culd possibly be as there was sightings of a female eel lik shark that was from prehistoric times sighted in this day and age
and the fact that some areas of the ocean we cant reli investigate due to the water being too deep and the pressure doesnt help
i believe that it is still out there but only a few very few
Learn to spell !!! Moron!
DeleteI really do hope and still believe that it exists. It would be incredible to witness and understand exactly what this shark is. I do know as a fact it is not the megalodon in this video, it is a pacific sleeper. I truely do beleive that it is still out there but there isonlylittle, very verylittle.
ReplyDeleteok this is sleeper sharks, look at its gills, also its to slow to be a megalodon
ReplyDeletewhoops not sharks but shark sorry....
ReplyDeleteque sepais que no tenemos ni idea de la mayoria de colores que teñian los cuerpos de los animales prehistoricos. lo hemos supuesto, mas bien inventado, asi que realmente decir que un megalodon tendria que parecerse a un tiburon blanco en cuanto a estetica es una idiotez.
ReplyDeletecreo firmemente que es una especie de megalodon
"The megalodon looked a lot like a great white, dark gray on top, white on the bottom, and much larger than the shark in the video. Even if they did still exist, they weren't black."
ReplyDeleteHow in the hell do you know they weren't black? There is no way to tell what color an extinct animal is unless you had some type of skin sample. Just because is had similar teeth to that of a Great White does not mean it had the same body style.
They have found a megalaon tooth that is only 10,000 years old. That means they survived the ice age. They could of went down deeper, into the unfrozen water, and waited it out. If they stayed down there for that long of a time, they could as adapted to their enviornment, and not want to come up to the surface(today) or industrial threats might frighten them. Much of the ocean has yet to be explored, so scientists should not say so ignorantly " the megaladon does not exist anymore because we havent seen it due to the fact we have not took a closer look at the ocean" ... IM NOT BUYIN THAT SHIT !!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteon ebay i found a megalodon shark tooth for 44.95 and i just looked it up for you :)
ReplyDeletei wish it were a megaladon. that would be SWEEEEEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteits deff not a greenland shark...its 2 big...and its no basking shark neither...look at the gills...if it were a basking shark the gills would look like they wrap around...its a possibility this is a megalodon...no1 knows for sure wat it looks like anyways...who are we to say...but im pretty sure if it was a megalodon it wouldve been making headlines across the world so idk lol...but i believe it could be...thats 1 big ass shark lol
ReplyDeleteIts a baby megalodon because the size of a baby magalodon is like the size of adult great white and look at the tip its pointy because the megalodon shark the tip grows from pointy to almost round.
ReplyDeleteAnd i belive its megalodon it's not extinc remember it's not existed.
Look at the www.science brain.com fishermen has caught in a video a frozen megalodon near the north pole.
Just remember megalodon is not extinc.
its in the very bottom of the pacific deep deep depth where it can find prey as big as a whale!!! Its damn true but no one can go that deep to actually picture it because its too dark and dangerouse!
ReplyDeletethis is deffenetly not a megalodon...... this shark looks nothing like a great white and to our historical time line the great white is a relative to the megalodon i do believe there is megalodon sharks out there but this is deffenetly not the shark that we all want to see
ReplyDeleteour cameras and people could never ever catch this beast on film they live to deep in the ocean for us to know tnat they are still alive i am not saying that they are not real i have a belief that they are real but we have no way in hell to know for sure that they are for sure real or extict.......... but i would love to find out if this glorious creature is still alive but then again who knows what this shark could do it could eat 14 people whole in one bit we have no idea what these sharks can do
ReplyDeleteok, A to the jackass who said there are no magalodons there are fossils, and B a megalodon is speculated to be twice as large as a sleeper so that's a bad theory. all i'm sayin.
ReplyDeletewell i am not sure if all exist, we haven'tget hard evidence till now
ReplyDeleteif a megalodon still exist can it a danger?
ReplyDeleteis our lagoon safe?
I'm no expert, but I heard that the shark in the video was confirmed by scientists (who are paid to do thier jod well) as a Pacific Sleeper shark. As for Megladon still exsisting, I believe it does, but only deep-sea expeditions will confirm it.
ReplyDeleteits a cool scary but im a expert in sizes and shapes of sharks but as observe and watched it shows and proves that is just a basking shark i would not expect other experts say its a megalodon shark its not proven that a megalodon has six gills and dosent mean that you see a big fish or shark thats 20 meters or biger its not proven that it esists
ReplyDeleteas i saw it. it was like making me belive that it is a megalodon but what mkes me not belive is the first ones. becuse its like how you gona get this pictures on the scene of that diver in that sharks mouth? so weird. that make me not belive thats its a megalodon
ReplyDeleteim no shark expert and i do belive that the megalodon shark is
ReplyDeletecritacaly endangerd(Only my opinion) that shark im 99%
sure that that shark is NOT a megladon but it might be a shark
speesees that we havent descovered yet(Im NOT a freeking scintest so DONT blame me in you think im stupid/an idiot)
Way too small to be a megalodon.
ReplyDeleteBesides, Megalodons have been extinct for 11,000 years.
One... the Meg and a great white are no where near the same... shut up and learn more before you talk about this shit. Two It's very possible for Meg's to be real.
ReplyDeleteIf anyone is saying it`s a Basking Shark.Why they eat meat..Remember Basking Shark are filter feeders..96%of the ocean is unexplored the explored oceans are only the surface of it not the deep water in it
ReplyDeleteits a pacific sleeper
ReplyDeletewow i bieleve the megladon still raoms our oceans
ReplyDeleteOMG that was cool! Awesome video and 100% real. Thanks for sharing. That shark is a monster!
ReplyDeleteTerimakasih infonya https://bit.ly/2Kot9Sj
ReplyDeleteThere's definately a lot to know about this topic. I like all the points you made.
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