The quality of my posts in the past have been fairly basic, embed some youtube videos, link off to news stories, pretty basic stuff. What I want to do now is to produce my own original content, such as writing descent articles, having regular ghost hunts with videos, photos, evps etc. I also want to introduce some regular cartoons and movies.
This is going to take time to produce so please bare with me if I don't post to often, I will try and post the odd Mondays and spooky Friday posts and some in between, I know I missed the last two themed posts but the silly seasons getting the best of me, hehe seems most of my posts lately are centered around excuses.
I've got some big ideas and hopefully I can pull them off.
I'm a "quality" over "quantity" type anyway. Good luck with your revamping, and I'm looking forward to reading some of your original articles.