Thursday, September 27, 2007

Ghost Hunters Apparition Caught on Tape

I think this bit of ghost footage is from Ghost Hunters, we don't get that show down here, not on free to air T.V anyway.

The footage below reminds a lot of the prison ghost video, I think that was from the same show, could be wrong there.

The video shows a dark figure moving across the view over a table or something, pretty cool ghost video, can't really say much more, enjoy.

Ghost Hunters full body apparition


  1. Yeah this is from Ghost Hunters. They caught what looked to be a dark figure on last nights premiere as well.

  2. Anonymous5:10 AM

    This episode was one of my favorites. The dark figure captured is creepy looking.

  3. Another good find Rand, cool whatever it is.

  4. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Weird. Are they in the same room as where it was taped?

  5. They seem to get some good looking things on that show, wish we got it down here, would be nice to watch the full episodes, eh probably be able to watch em online somewhere.

  6. I am so impressed with that video. It was something creepy. I will talk with my best friend about it.
