Monday, October 15, 2007

External Hard Drives could be Handy - SP

I'm not one to delete things off of my computer very often, kind of a pack rat when it comes down to it, I have photos that I have taken using almost 20gigs of space. What would really come in handy is an external hard drive, something small that can fit nicely along side my computer, that way I can store all my photos with out clogging up my machine, that beast that it is, well not really all it's good for is surfing the web and watching videos.


  1. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Hi Rand! My choice wold be LACIE!
    Have used them for many years,and they have newer let me down!


    Btw: Love your blog! :)

  2. Thanks for the comment there and thanks for the recommendation, gonna have a little extra spending money soon so I may think about getting one.
