Thursday, November 08, 2007

Has Ron Paul seen Zeitgeist the Movie?

Or did the makers of the Zeitgeist movie see Ron Paul?

The first time I heard of Ron Paul was by watching a brief interview on youtube, I had no idea who he was and had no idea he was running for President of the states, my first impressions were of an honest guy who didn't double talk. In my opinion the U.S should elect this guy, just please don't elect another dumbas.

Anyway what Ron Paul says in a lot of his interviews and what not goes pretty much exactly along the same lines as the third part of Zeitgeist the movie and a lot of what he says makes plain sense.

Below is a video of Excepts of Ron Paul from a movie called Fiat Empire where he explains much about inflation, money and the federal reserve. I haven't watched the full Fiat Empire movie, looks interesting, has anyone else seen it?

Ron Paul on Federal Reserve, banking and economy

Just to finish off, legal tender is as good as toilet paper, though down here paper money is made from plastic and would likely hurt if used as T.P.


  1. Hi Rand, unfortunately the real people in power want the money system to remain the same, because they benefit.

  2. Jared6:25 AM

    Pretty much what Bob said, if you look into it further you find the money system directly conflicts with human progression in general, an incentive to always cut costs will always keep us away from good products. ALWAYS. Meaning they have to be replaced, when we could have built it once, the right way.
