Sunday, January 27, 2008

Highway Patrol Capture UFO on video in Veracruz

This is some pretty amazing UFO footage, shot in Veracruz from a patrol car by a patrolman.

The video shows in the beginning the traffic stop then the camera in the patrol car pans to the left to capture the diamond shaped UFO hovering just beyond a ledge.

I like it when UFO footage comes from an official source like this, makes me feel comfortable that it's legit, though cops are people to.

Police officer records UFO

Hat Tip - Phantoms and Monsters.


  1. Anonymous7:41 AM

    "A day later they searched the whole area and didn't find anything so it could not be a balloon" Geez, with reasoning like that how do they ever solve any crimes there??? Seriously, it looks like a balloon, acts like a balloon and if they searched a little sooner they'd probably find a balloon.

  2. Yea I heard the commentary as well, mainly why I didn't talk about what the dude was saying. I think the commentary was from a UFO group, not the police.

  3. Dear Randn - any idea what happened in Shreveport, Louisiana recently? I've had a lot of hits looking for UFO's there, but no idea what's happening. (I recently moved to Oregon.)

  4. Hey Jane, I think it may have something to do with a news report on KSLA, a woman from Shongaloo, Louisiana video taped a UFO around the same time as the Texas UFO sightings.

    Here's a the news report on youtube.

    Ties in real nicely.

    How's Oregon?

  5. Still pretty cool being from an official source and all.
