Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command

In 1977 Vrillon of the Ashtar Galactic Command contacted earth through a broadcast by hijacking a television broadcast in the United Kingdom which lasted 6 or so minutes. Vrillon more or less warned that if we did not change our ways, open our eyes we would surely be doomed.

No one was ever held respocible for the incident and I think it's still unresolved.

The cool thing for me is it sounds exactly like something you would find on youtube, done from someones bedroom with no real intent, but the Vrillon incident is from 1977. It just goes to show that in 30 years we still do the same old crap.

Would be cool if it were real and I'm not saying it isn't, but from what we have here it would take a certain amount of faith to believe it (AGC).

"Vrillon" 1977 Television Hijacking Incident

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