Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Thinking of Branson

If I were to go to Branson, Missouri, how would I plan my trip? Well I'd probably start with a couple Titanium Packages, planning a four person trip here, the lodgings in that package look pretty nice. Plus there's quite a few tickets to shows and events in the package that interest me, especially the Incredible Acrobats of China.

I'd probably scope out some of the other local attractions as well. It looks like Branson has a nice selection of natural attractions to, such as nature parks, caves and caverns, love that stuff.

It actually looks like a very nice place, from the pictures it kind of reminds of places I've been on vacation, nice laid back vibe, great entertainment, great surroundings, that's the kind of vacation I want to go on, not to overwhelming if you just want to relax, but with lots of options if I want to be entertained.


  1. Anonymous9:06 AM

    great idea for a blog... you will really enjoy Branson... interesting place

  2. Anonymous2:12 PM

    There are some great Branson attractions to see! It's worth the time and money too.
