Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Ghost train caught on video

I did have a link to a better quality version, but that now seems dead, luckily I did find a low quality version of the ghost video on youtube.

Video of Ghost Figure Leaving Cemetery.

Well I don't know if it's a train but to me it looks like a carriage or train thing it's also very orby. The write up on youtube says it was filmed as part of an investigation in southern Indiana in 2001, it was taken by a fellow called Carl Proctor and I think he is associated with Darkwatch inc.

The video shows a few people walking through a wooded area in search of a graveyard, about mid way through the video a strange orb thing floats towards and past a man that is in view at the time, none of the people in the video notice it and carry on walking.

My first reaction was "cool a ghost train" but I slowed it down and I really couldn't decide what it looked like, so I'm just going with a cluster of orbs (New window) along with some ghost mist, if they are orbs they're really dense.

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  1. Anonymous5:00 PM

    it's a friking spider on it's web!!!! jesus people! im a paranormal investigator and i have looked into this. its a god dam spider people! you can see it's legs, the rear bump the strands of the web and even little dead bugs stuck in it's web!!! ugh!

  2. Well that's all it takes, someone to put it into perspective and it becomes completely clear. You know how it is, my brain just couldn't recognize a spider, though as soon as you pointed it out, boom, there it is.

