Monday, August 07, 2006

Back to the asylum

We went back to the asylum again last night, we had a few more friends this time, there were 7 of us. When we got to the site half of us chickened out and we all debated weather or not we should go in, 3 went back to the car and 4 of us stayed. We stepped into the doorway of the entrance and continued to debate if we should go in, while this was happening one of my friends fell over and cut his hand, he took off back to the car and the rest followed. All this happened within about 5-10 minutes so I didn't get to take many photos and the photos that I took didn't reveal anything.

Here's a few of the photos I took at the hospital, Just click the links to expand the photos:

Creepy tree.

Shot of most of the building.

Getting closer to the building.

Shot through a set of windows from outside.

Shot of some second story windows.

Shot of one of the entrances. Never noticed the "DANGER KEEP OUT" sign.

For a first attempt at doing something like this it failed miserably, some people didn't want to be there, some had been drinking and I don't think I had done enough research on the place. Had there been ghost sightings there before, I didn't know I went in blind but as we were heading home one of my friends said he'd seen lots of things around this hospital that he couldn't explain, I really don't know but next time I go on a ghost hunt I'm going to be a lot more prepared.

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