Friday, August 04, 2006

A night in the Lunatic Asylum

Last night me and a few friends decided to go up to the old Porirua Lunatic Asylum, most of the hospital is now closed, has been for a few years now. The closure was the governments idea to reintroduce long-stay patients back into the wider community, I know some patients who had lived in the hospital for most of their adult lives, it was their home and they were more or less evicted from their home. Most of the buildings have been reutilized but some buildings are derelict and run down.

We hadn't planned on going there, we were just driving around looking to have some fun and happened to drive past it. A few drinks were had I must admit and I don't think we actually knew we were parked up outside the abandoned buildings, we just hopped out of the car and started walking, it was about 4:30am at this point. We walked into some thick bush and as we came to the other side we saw the two buildings, we weren't expecting that, freaked us all out.

PHOTO: What we first saw.

Flickr album, some very nice photos of the buildings.

As we were about to enter the first building one of my friends said screw this and took off back to the car, the rest of us carried on. We entered by the main entrance I think and the first thing we all saw has a big sturdy wooden chair with a box base in the middle of a hall way, we went in for a closer look and saw that it had a hole in seat of it, it was an old style toilet, we had a few laughs and headed up stairs.

We checked out most of the rooms but the scariest ones were the bathrooms, most of the doors were closed and we scared ourselves silly opening them up, who knows what could have been behind them, we found out nothing was behind them. There were also some rooms with big heavy doors with small porthole like windows in them, I'm thinking they were padded cells. Most of the rooms were pretty much all the same, broken glass all over the place, graffiti on the walls, old furniture placed into living room type arrangements, it looked as if a lot of squatters used the place from time to time.

We got lost for awhile trying to find the stairs but we eventually found them. On the first floor there was a garage that was pretty cool it had three old vehicles in it, scared ourselves daring each other to hop in them and close the doors, none of us did.

When we finished with the first building we went and checked out the other one but that was pretty much the same. We didn't see anything unexplainable which was a shame but I'm gonna head back up there at some point with my camera and check it out when I'm sober.


  1. Anonymous4:57 PM

    It is really ashame that you have to be one of those drunken assholes who obvoiusly have no respect for the mentally insane, i happen to work at a psychiatric hospital and i only wish that i had the opportunity to work in a beautiful old psych hospital please for their sake pay them some respect and leave that place alone i mean it has been painted on and destroyed just let the patients who are still there in spirit alone. they had it bad enough i am sure when they were alive and that building is the only place they know.

  2. They demolished that place awhile ago, sure I have respect for the place and what happened there, but for the most part it really wasn't a nice place. This is coming from seeing family and friends become dependent on the medication they used to dish out, shock therapy and the inconsistent support they used to get.

    A teacher I had when I was young told me about how they had been committed to the place when they were young for smoking dope. It was one of the worst most unnecessary events in their life.

    Would it have made a difference if I were sober, probably not, I would have done the exact same thing, walk through it.

  3. Those places are the best way to find something paranormally speakiing interesting. As you can expect from a place like that. It has so many things there.

  4. Anonymous5:17 AM

    this system is fucked and excuse my language but i have a mental illness i take medication I have borderline personality disorder,post traumatic stress disorder and depression and my mum was a nurse at Porirua hospital just people have no respect for mental health patients and the disturbing things that happened in that hospital . anonymous
