Monday, May 28, 2007

Boo Post No.2 gross fungi and famous hoaxes

BOOOOOOOOOoooo, ok not that scary. Here's some interesting links for everyone... BOOOO.

Parasitic Cordyceps Fungi - Video - I didn't know what I was watching at first, but at nearly the half way mark of the video you'll see it two, creepy as.

Cross Shaped Drone on YouTube - You know those pictures of that cross like UFO egg beater, ice strainer thing that was doing the rounds a few weeks back, yea? well you'll find a video of it through the link.

OK that was more of a Bo... thought I would have found more, oh well may as well post it.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:04 AM

    Hey – since you’re a YouTuber, you might want to check this out… There’s a video company that’s recruiting
    YouTubers and if they like your stuff, (and they should) they will actually pay you when your video gets a hit.
    Here’s their link… It’s about time the people who make
    the videos get some of the money instead ng to YouTube!
