Wednesday, August 15, 2007

St. Croix Falls Wisconsin Bigfoot Video

This video has been around awhile, I first heard about it on Cryptomundo, but I never got to see the video, it was taken down from youtube, but thanks to Squatch Detective the video is back on youtube.

Interstate Wisconsin Video of Alleged Bigfoot

It's one of those "to good to be true" videos, this isn't one of those blobsquatch videos and it's even harder to make out if it is human or not, though from the cryptomundo report it does seem a little like the wookie suit they show.

There was an investigation into the video but after communication with the shooters stopped, I guess the investigation couldn't continue and the video was deemed to not be authentic for that reason.


  1. Anonymous9:56 PM

    I would be too scared to follow something like that. I could verily see it so I could not tell if it was real or not. There are humans born with conditions that make them hairy all over their bodies, I first heard about this on the X-files and after doing research, I found out that it does exist. Maybe this explains the theory behind Big Foot.

  2. Yea I've seen pictures of people with that condition, they really do look like the wolfmen from those classic movies. I haven't read anything to suggests that grow any larger though.

    But it could be a possibility, something along the lines of the Hills have Eyes or something.
