Thursday, September 20, 2007

Strange creature caught on video

Pretty cool reality style... something? Couple vids showing some strange creature, looks fake, probably is, but it's done nicely.

I wonder what kind of show it's from, would be nice to know.

The creature to me looks like a Raptor jumping on buildings.

Strange creature caught in video part 1

Strange creature caught in video part 2


  1. Anonymous2:10 AM

    Looks like the lizard from those Geico ads. Poor guy must not be saving enough on his auto insurance. ;)

  2. Hey it's a baby dinosaur raptor, cool.

  3. Anonymous5:00 PM

    I wonder if this doesn't have something to do with J.J. Abrams 1.18.2008 film, which has used viral marketing, and has been reported to have raptor-like monsters in it.

  4. Anonymous12:07 PM

    ^^ good point! Didn't think of that.

  5. I sure hope that movie ain't about fish monsters, then again that would be pretty original.

  6. Hahahahahaha !! be more serious please it is so funny, the creature is like a pony!!!. This interesting post made me smile. Maybe if you put in a couple of pics it will make the whole thing more interesting.22dd
