Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Rich Giordano debunking his own videos

I wanted to post about Rich Giordano coming clean that he let one slide awhile ago, but I forgot the specifics and couldn't find it anywhere in my bookmarks, turns out I put it in my tools folder and that has nothing to do with the paranormal.

Rich Giordano is the webmaster of CNUFOS.com, a site I should be more familiar with as it has a load of UFO videos and is updated quite regularly. Rich is also the host of the AZ UFO Show, never listened to it, but I'm listening to the latest one now, seems pretty fun.

Episode 1 - Reinventing Me & UFOlogy
Anyway onto the videos, the first one is of Rich explaining the whole thing about his UFO fleet video and where he stands after the whole thing. The fleet video got popular and he didn't reveal at the time that it was explainable, I can understand that, it's nice to be popular. My thoughts are that after people think something is real it would be pretty hard revealing that it's not and you knew all along, trying to make a point can piss people off.

Fake Fleet & Fake Hovering Craft - Story Revealed
This video is Rich debunking a few of his own videos, I remember these when they were fresh and wanted to post about them back then, but they ended up in my tools folder as well. The fleet video once you get the full video is pretty obvious, the second video of a craft under a lamp post isn't so much and the explanation is far from what I expected, the third video he debunks looks cool, but it's just a light in the sky.

A Look at "The City in the Sky" UFO Video, Rich Giordano
I won't analyse this one, as far as I know it still stands as unexplainable and if what he claims is true it's pretty cool footage.

Seems like a cool guy, but as far as me knowing UFO researchers I know pretty much absolutely no one and they don't know me, leaves me out of the politics I think.

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