Friday, February 29, 2008

Photo of UFO in London, a speedometer?

Cool looking UFO photo, shot by a student taking tourist shots in London. You can see the photo and get the full story here, I don't know what that sites retention is like so here's an alternative link to the photo on Phantoms and Monsters.

The article mentions that experts feel it's genuine, but they seem to come from the angle that it's not fabricated or a hoax. If you look at the circumstances the photos were taken in maybe it could be a little simpler, taken from a car, were they shot through glass? and could it be a reflection?, to me the UFO looks like an illuminated speedometer reflecting off glass.

But hey, I think there's a couple more photos from this person, so who knows.

Update: here's a great analysis of the photo, even compares it with photos of speedometers.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:56 PM

    I completely agree -it appears to be a reflection in the car windows & it does look a lot like a speedometer or some sort of illuminated car appliance. I thought that as soon as I saw the picture -to me it's obviously what it is.
