Thursday, February 07, 2008

Polk County Fireball Video

A Polk county man filmed this amazing fireball video on January 7, he filmed it for about 10 minutes before it disappeared behind the tree line.

What it shows is an object that seem to be falling from the sky, leaving a very long bright trail.

Experts have been consulted and they say that it could be a plain and contrail, observed in unusual conditions.

I can see how they came to that conclusion, sun set, not a cloud in the sky, with the contrail the only thing to be lit up by the lowering sun.

Pretty cool though, do y'all think it's just a plane?

Fireball Over Polk County


  1. "We're sending a Deputy."

    LOL. I love that. What's he going to do? Arrest it? Anyway, that's pretty awesome. It does look like typical contrail just a different colour.

  2. Anonymous4:35 AM

    I've seen "fireball" meteors like that, but never for 10 minutes. Usually only a few seconds and never long enough to get someone else's attention to have them look. I often wonder if there are any residual meteorites that impact the earth from one of these.

  3. It's a jet, colored by the sunset, fireballs burnup, and don't have 2 seperate trails, cool though.
