Monday, April 30, 2007

Anonymous Bigfoot Video Number two

Seen this Bigfoot video around for a few days now, I wasn't going to post it, but it seems that there's a second video from the same anonymous people who submitted the first video to "BEAST" Bigfoot Education Academy of Southern Territories, never heard of em and can't find anything online either.

Well I wasn't going to post the first video because I think it's fake, the second video is much the same, but you get a longer closer shot of the "creature" and you see that it is sitting right next to a road, with cars going by.

But hey I could be totally wrong about it being fake.

Both the videos are below.

Anonymous Bigfoot Video

Anonymous Bigfoot Second Video


  1. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I don't think it would be very hard to replicate these. Nothing outstanding about the "creatures". Too blurry to seem like anything other than a gorilla costume. And submitting videos anonymously never helps it's case. Man, now I really want to make a fake bigfoot video to show how it's really done!

  2. Yea not very convincing at all, my favorite bigfoot from film and televission was Harry from "Harry and the Hendersons" that was a very cool costume.

  3. Looks like they took the second clip off of youtube. seems fishy to me.

  4. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Is this Bigfoot deaf? It didn't move after they did all that stomping around.

  5. Message to all those hiking with video cameras: if you see Bigfoot, stay still! If you just stay down, shut up, and hold the damn camera steady we'll all be much better off. Not to mention that it would probably be a lot safer for you...
