Sunday, June 03, 2007

Bigfoot videos on Youtube, Most are Fake and I love it

Finding Bigfoot videos on Youtube is really easy, without fail there is usually about 20 new videos related to Bigfoot everyday. The three main categories that they usually fall into are Monster trucks, Grand Theft Auto and Bigfoot/hoaxes.

Sometimes I come across a video that looks real, but because the video is shot from far away, blurry or what ever it's hard to tell either way if it is a man in a suit or something more unexplainable.

The video below was uploaded within the last couple of days and shows a creature walking for a bit and then stopping to hit the ground and then walking off. It is hard to tell what it may be, but I feel it is a man in a suit because after hitting the ground it looks as if it adjusts its head gear.

As off the cuff evidence it could be easily dismissed I feel because it is inconclusive and well the Erie music doesn't help at all. But I have to say it was one of the more interesting recent uploads that I watched.

BiG-FooT Siting

This next video shows a dark figure running through the woods and the person filming seems genuine by way they are talking, but after the figure gets up from falling over it looks to me like someone in a Scream costume.

Bigfoot in My Backyard

Both the videos are recent within the past few days and I can pretty much guaranty that tomorrow there will be a new batch just like them.

I do enjoy watching them and reading the comments some people make, some people get pretty angry about it all, claiming such things as that the video is the down fall of cryptozoology (more or less), I always tell myself it's only youtube and good on em for giving it a go, after watching minutes upon minutes of this kind of footage their actually helping me to expand my knowledge of spotting fakes and when something juicy does come along I'll be there to spot it.


  1. That second one was real, I guarantee it. My cousin works at Halloween USA and he said he sold a Scream costume to 9ft tall Chewbaka looking creature just last week! Oh, and it was a magic costume that made him look 3ft shorter and a couple hundred pounds lighter. And makes him clumsy. And makes nearby Airsoft guns completely silent. Yeah.

    The first one was pretty lame too, but they at least made *some* attempt at costuming. He was still pretty obviously human-sized, and walked exactly like a human, but they tried...

  2. Enjoy your blog...I used to work in FX in the movies and heard all kinds of things about faked bigfoot videos...on the other hand here in Hawaii I know two people who claim to have seen or heard them...yes, legend has it they are here too. Anyway fun site, thanks!

  3. LOL, great comments. From all the fakes I have seem I'd really like to see someone make a costume for a big big dude that is skin tight, harry and the hendersons style. That should perplex a few people out there.

    There's some pretty decent jungle in Hawaii isn't there? That's pretty cool, we got some old stories of bigfoot like creatures down here in New Zealand, but nothing recent, the stories are tied pretty deeply into Maori myth and legend, some of which I'd like to write about on MPL.

    Cheers for the comments.

    P.S I think I'll be implementing the dofollow thing on this blog soon, so if you decide to comment use the "other" option for identity and fill it in with your site name and address. Google will crawl it and it will help as a link to your site.

  4. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Yeah, there are lots out there flooding internet sites. I find it easier with the bigfoot footage to spot the fakes. These were obvious...

    What I have a harder time with are the ones supposedly showing ghosts/poltergeist activity. Some of them have me on the fence.

    Have a good one Rand!
