Thursday, July 12, 2007

Something a little different

For the past few days I have done nothing but follow the E3 Game Show that is going on at the moment and I think is soon to be finished.

Strange thing is I don't actually own any of the new gaming systems, my brother has them so I feel that I partly have unlimited access to them, hehe.

Been a little weird also because I haven't felt like this before about any sort of internet event, I've been following the major video game sites with a passion, waiting for updates for new game trailers, I even watched the three press conferences that were streamed live over the net.

I'm a huge tech nerd but not much of a console gamer (I always get anxious to do something else while playing games, even though I'm enjoying what I'm playing), but I am feeling the urge to buy a PS3 for myself.

Here's trailers for some of the games that I really want to play:

This game is not what you'd expect to come from game systems these days, very refreshing. It's a puzzle game that uses optical illusions as inspiration.

Gran Turismo 5 Prologue
I was pretty surprised by the realism of this title.

Little Big Planet
Looks like fun, create stuff and share it with your friends online.

Killzone 2 E3 2007
This is the one I would probably buy the Playstation 3 for, it's a FPS, very violent, it may have an age restriction, so younger audiences probably shouldn't watch this.

I don't know what it is, I'm semi obsessed with all this, maybe because of all this 3D modelling I am doing at the moment, probably.

1 comment:

  1. Gran Turismo is awesome*

    i'm not a Big Gamer either but i was blown away by the Graphics!!

    + what the software could do!!

