I said in a previous post that I was going to try and capture some spirit orbs in some photos, I have been trying but haven't taken any photos. I don't want to take any photos at my house just encase I capture something (I'd crap my pants), so I've been trying to in some of my friends houses but they always ask me why I want to take photos, I tell em that I want to see if I can capture ghost orbs, they give me a funny look, laugh a little and then get a serious look on their faces, so no joy with the friends. I've thought about going to some graveyards in the area but what I've noticed about orb photos is that they are mostly night time pics or in dark buildings, I don't want to be in a graveyard at night.
I can't think of any other options at the moment, I think I'm just going to have to have my camera on me at all times and strike when the times right.
Speaking of dragons, check this story out. That skulls like out of
Reign of Fire , It's sooo dragon.
here's a couple more news stories about bones:
horny skull found on the edge of the arctic, believed to an extinct deer or sheep.
A complete
skeleton of a mammoth has been found in Siberia supposed to be a pretty rare find.
I like bones.
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