Friday, September 08, 2006

Grassy Noll ghost photo

Well it's been awhile between posts, my old computer broke and left me without access to the net. I pulled it apart and fiddled around carefully like, that didn't work, I tried cleaning every inch of it, that didn't work. I tried so many things to get it to work again, in the end I just started kicking and punching it, none of it worked so I went out and bought a brand spanking new machine, it's so much more speedier than my old machine I love it. Funny thing is I tried to boot up my old computer and it now works, every time I start it, dang computers.

Well since I've been gone I've received a few emails from people who seem to read my bloc, it's always great to get feed back from people. Makes me feel good that there is a purpose for this bloc.

I received this ghost picture through email from a person called Cat, Cat gave me some good feedback about this bloc which is very appreciated, she pointed out the objective feel of it which was cool because that is what I'm trying to achieve with this bloc, any how here's the info and ghost photo...

"It was taken in Annapolis County, Nova Scotia. That part of the province is quite hilly. It is also in the area of Fort St Anne, a citadel that was built in the 17ooÂ’s and Port Royal, the 1605 French settlement. Lots of entities would certainly wander here."

I think it'sfairlyy convincing, very crisp clear image of a human like figure making it's way up a grassy bank, I let y'all decide. Thank you Cat for sending me this picture, I like it very much.

I also got an email from the runner of the site Town Called Dobson, It's an online comic strip and what got me interested in it was the story line "It is based on a true story - a UFO cult that talks to evil space aliens on a ouija board. That is the true part!" I like the simplesleekk style of the strips and had me a few giggles.

That's all for now, need to get to grips with the new system.

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