Friday, November 30, 2007

The Big Paranormal Stories of 2007

With the end of the year fast approaching it's time to look back on what made the past year so special, for me a few things stick out, they may not the most paranormal stories of the year but they were huge items that took the paranormal and mainstream web by storm in 2007.

There are loads more big stories from 2007 but frankly I can't remember them all, feel free to add to the list with a comment.

The Italian Air Force UFO Video was one of the first big ones to hit early on in 07, it may even be from 2006? with its straight forward no nonsense realistic approach it quickly spread across the web as something spectacular. I don't know what conclusions were made but to me it's most probably computer generated, I certainly got a whole lot of traffic because of it.

The Drone photos left people thinking to good to be true, but over the weeks as more photos from seemingly different sources surfaced I think people started to wonder what if? Then came the Isaac documents which led to in depth analysis and discussions and then it all dried up. Well apart from the computer generated videos that seem almost as good as the photos.

ZEITGEIST the Movie has gone from strength to strength, with all the different versions floating about it's hard to gauge just how many people have seen it, maybe in the tens of millions. The movie dares to ask questions about religion, the terrible tragedy of 911 and how and who may be controlling our world. Presenting information in a way that lets you wonder about the truth yourself and to find your own good ideas.

The Haiti UFO Videos spread like butter on my morning toast, but was quick to be debunked by dedicated people who knew their shit, though through all the hype I don't feel that came across all to well. Something that didn't catch on like the main videos was the news that the creator had come forward. Seems like every fifth new UFO video on youtube is the haiti one.

The Jacob's Bigfoot photos
I didn't follow all that much, but it was a huge story, my feed reader was full of headlines for this one and still is for that matter. It gained mainstream media attention, most of the time with a smirk. I still can't make out what it's doing or where the head is supposed to be, but I did see some overlays recently that made it make more sense.

The Gas Station Ghost is the baby of the lot, spreading and doing its thing. I find it unique, it's blue and does some strange things.

There are loads more but I probably don't remember them because I didn't follow them, Cryptomundo has a great list of The Top Ten Cryptozoology Stories for 2007.

If you have a list yourself, leave a comment with a link and I'll add it to this post.

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